Special Recognition of Tom Mulinazzi, Ph.D., P.E., P.S. April 12, 2024
The Engineers’ Foundation of Kansas (EFK), in conjunction with sponsorship from the University of Kansas School of Engineering & the Department of Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering (CEAE), will recognize Tom Mulinazzi, Ph.D., P.E., P.S. on 12 April 2024, at a luncheon at the Burge Union on the University of Kansas Lawrence Campus. Tom is being recognized for his lifetime commitment to engineering ethics and licensure.
Our goal is to recognize Tom by creating an EFK endowment of $100,000.00. The “Tom Mulinazzi, Ph.D., P.E., P.S. University of Kansas Engineering Ethics/Licensure Fund” will be managed in partnership with the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation (GMCF). When fully funded, EFK expects to provide approximately $4,000.00 annually for use by the KU School of Engineering to promote engineering ethics and licensure. We anticipate the funds being used to provide Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) practice exam sessions and study materials, provide test site equipment, pay exam fees, and otherwise promote ethics and the FE Exam.
Donations to the Tom Mulinazzi, Ph.D., P.E., P.S. EFK / GMCF Recognition Fund may be made online at https://www.mcfks.org/fund/Engineers-Foundation-of-Kansas-EFK-Expendable-Fund .
Congratulations to Tom Mulinazzi for his lifetime commitment to engineering ethics and licensure!
Contact Persons:
Rick Ensz, P.E., F.NSPE 913-660-4849
Ozzy Bravo, P.E. 602-614-9853
Tom Roberts, P.E., F.NSPE 785-565-1286
Click HERE for pdf of Invitation which includes QR code to RSVP and parking information.